Financial literacy is an essential life skill that many people seem to lack. In 2022, only 23 American states required high schools to teach financial literacy. It begs the question – how can we expect our youth to navigate adult life if they aren’t taught how to manage their finances? To shed some light on this important topic, we spoke with Yanely Espinal, a financial educator and advocate, who has been instrumental in bringing financial literacy to high schools nationwide. Let’s dive in.

Yanely Espinal, also known as Miss Be Helpful, is passionate about spreading the word on financial literacy. She has worked diligently with non-profits, Next-Gen Personal Finance and Mission 2030 Fund in providing free curriculum and teacher training to high schools across the US. These organizations are dedicated to equipping teachers with the tools to teach financial literacy to their students.

Yanely’s efforts are not limited to providing resources to schools. She is also committed to changing the legislation surrounding financial education in high schools. In 2019, she had a hand in passing the Financial Literacy Act in Florida, which mandates every student in the state to take a personal finance course to graduate. Yanely shares her experience navigating the political landscape and facing resistance to push this act across all 50 states by 2030. Her efforts have seen 19 states adopt this rule, which is a HUGE step in the right direction.

Despite these regulations, Yanely emphasizes the importance of changing the mindset surrounding money. Many students enter adulthood with little to no experience in managing their finances. With varying money management curriculums across states, it’s crucial to equip teachers with comprehensive resources to teach financial literacy effectively. Yanely works tirelessly with non-profit organizations to ensure that teachers are well equipped to impart sound money management skills.

In addition to her passion for financial education, Yanely is also a vocal advocate for financial wellness. She encourages people to have open conversations about money to break down the social stigma surrounding money management. Her hope is to create a society where personal finance is not seen as taboo, but rather a crucial aspect of adult life.


Financial literacy is a skill that everyone should possess, and it’s never too early to start teaching it. Yanely Espinal’s dedication to bringing financial literacy to households and high schools is commendable. Her work with non-profits Next-Gen Personal Finance and Mission 2030 Fund to provide free curriculum and teacher training has been pivotal in setting the groundwork for financial literacy education.

By educating our youth on money management, we’re setting them up for greater financial stability and success. Let Yanely Espinal be an inspiration to us all, to take charge of our financial lives and equip ourselves with the knowledge to enjoy a financially secure future.

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