Just because you’re on a budget doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself every now and then. In fact, treating yourself while on a budget is extremely important because it keeps you from not hating the idea of a budget. Here’s the thing, if you plan for a treat, then you can fit it right into your budget. So plan to treat yourself every month, or even every week!
No one should go through this life without the joys that come with it. Even if that joy is a nap all alone in the middle of the day (a mom can dream can’t she?). So treat yourself when you’ve accomplished a goal you’ve been working towards or just want to enjoy this crazy life. Here are 15 ways to treat yourself while on a budget!
1. Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store.
This is my absolute favorite way to treat myself which is why it’s #1. Every month (or every other week) I’ll pick up a $5-$10 bouquet of fresh flowers from the grocery store. I choose flowers that will live for about 2 weeks so that I can enjoy their beauty longer. There’s something about a pretty bouquet sitting on my kitchen island that just makes me smile.
2. Indulge in a fancy coffee.
I used to indulge in an overpriced coffee way too often. Now, I’ll buy a cup of nice coffee when I want to treat myself. I don’t do it often, but that makes the coffee that much more special! On regular days, I brew my own pot at home or work.
3. Eat lunch outside.
Carve out time in your day to enjoy lunch outside. Whether you pick up a sandwich from your favorite sandwich shop, or make your own, it doesn’t matter! Just get away from your normal lunch spot and enjoy the peace of somewhere new.
4. Buy ice cream from a local shop.
Our family loved buying ice cream after we paid off a loan. We’d head to our local ice cream shop and enjoy our favorite ice cream as a family. We still love to celebrate with ice cream to this day!
5. Buy a new shade of nail polish and give yourself a manicure or pedicure.
Next time you need to treat yourself, head to the grocery store and pick up a new and different shade of nail polish. There’s something about a fresh manicure and pedicure that makes you feel pampered.
6. Get a new book from the library.
Carve out time for you and pick up a new book from the library. Not into actually reading books? Then download an audiobook! Most libraries offer free audiobooks to check out just like a regular book. These are perfect for long drives or when you’re cleaning the house.
7. Take a new workout class.
Have one of those fancy gyms near you that charge per class? Call them and ask if you can take a class on a trial run. You’ll get a good workout without the cost!
8. Enjoy the sunset in a new place.
So often we miss sunsets because we are inside dealing with kids, dinner, and life. Instead, make a plan to go somewhere different (like a park or spot downtown) and actually watch the sun go down. Bring your family or go solo so you can get some serious you time in.
9. Go for a walk.
Sometimes treating yourself is as simple as getting out of the house and taking a long walk. Listen to your favorite podcast or music on your walk and you’ll return home recharged and ready for some quality time with your family.
10. Take a nap.
I don’t know about you, but naps are a big deal at my house! Just one nap each week can help you feel rejuvenated and rested for what life throws at you. If you have kids, ask your significant other or a family member to watch them so you can have a full hour of uninterrupted sleep!
11. Take the day off and do whatever you want.
Sometimes the biggest treat is to take a day off from work so you can spend time by yourself. I’ve done this before and it is the best. Schedule your day with things you love, or don’t schedule it at all. Either way, enjoy some quiet time with zero distractions!
12. Sleep in.
If you’re a mom of children under 8, then you know just how exhausting early mornings can be. Everyone should get at least one day to sleep in, so trade off the morning with your significant other so you can get a little extra sleep. If you’re a single parent, then barter with your children for some extra snooze time.
13. Bake your favorite dessert.
Take time to bake your absolute favorite dessert of all time! If you don’t want to eat it all by yourself, then share it with your family and friends. They would love you for it!
14. Buy yourself something small.
You can still treat yourself by buying something small to celebrate an accomplishment. Set yourself a modest budget (say $10-$20) and get something that brings your joy.
15. Head to the movies.
Plan to attend a matinee showing of a new movie that you’ve been wanting to see. Not only will the tickets be budget-friendly, but you’ll enjoy some time to just escape from everything!
Be purposeful.
There are so many things you can do to treat yourself while you’re on a budget. And trust me, being on a budget doesn’t mean that you can’t indulge in things that you love! You just have to be purposeful about what you choose to spend your money on. Have another idea for how to treat yourself while on a budget? Leave it in the comments below!
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